Senin, 17 Desember 2012

Tangkuban Prahu

Tangkuban Tangkuban Parahu or boat is one of the mountain is located in the province of West Java, Indonesia. About 20 km to the north of the city of Bandung, with a lush carpet of pine trees and nearby tea gardens, Tangkuban Parahu have as high an altitude 2084 meters. The form of this mountain is the center of the eruption Stratovulcano move from east to west. Rock types are mostly excreted in the eruption of lava and sulfur, a mineral that is issued sulfur sulfur, a mineral that was issued when the mountain is not active sulfur vapor. Tangkuban area managed by the Housing Boat Forestry. The average daily temperature is 17 ° C during the day and 2 ° C at night..
The origin Tangkuban Parahu Sangkuriang associated with the legend, narrated in love with his mother, Dayang Sumbi. To thwart his intention to marry her, Dayang Sumbi Sangkuriang stipulating that make boat overnight. When his efforts failed, Sangkuriang angry and kicked the boat that landed upside-down. The boat is then formed Tangkuban Parahu.

Tangkuban Parahu include active volcanoes whose status is being watched by the Indonesian Directorate of Volcanology. Some of the crater is still showing signs of volcanic activity is. Among the signs of volcanic activity is the appearance of sulfur gases and hot springs at the foot of the mountain, which are in kasawan Ciater, Subang.

The existence of this mountain and the topographic relief in the form of Bandung basin with hills and mountains on each side strengthens the theory of the existence of a large lake that is now the Bandung area. It is believed by geologists that the Bandung plateau with an altitude of approximately 709 m above sea level is the remnant of a huge lake formed by damming Ci Tarum by ancient volcanic eruptions, known as Mount Sunda and Tangkuban Parahu be remnants of ancient Mount Sunda are still active. This phenomenon can be seen on Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait and Ngorongoro district in Tanzania, Africa. So the legend is a story that people Sangkuriang region is believed to be a documentation of the Ancient Sundanese Mountain area of the incident at the time.

Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

Mount Kelud

Kelud (often disalahtuliskan be Kelut which means "broom" in Javanese, in Dutch called Klut, Cloot, Kloet, or Kloete) is a volcano in East Java, Indonesia, which is still active. The mountain is located on the border between Kediri, Blitar and Malang regency, about 27 miles east of the center of Kediri.

Towards the top of Mount Kelud since 2004 relations have improved roads to facilitate the tourists and residents. Kelud has become a tourist district of Kediri to the main attractions is the lava dome. At the peak viewing post Gajahmungkur built with steps made of cement. On a weekend night, lighting the lamp lava dome colorful. Besides, it has also provided a climbing lane at the top chippy, thermal baths, as well as flying fox

Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Lawu (3265 m) is located on the island of Java, Indonesia, exactly on the border of Central Java and East Java. Status of this mountain is a mountain of fire "resting" and has long been inactive, visible from the dense vegetation and eroded its peak. On the slopes there is a small crater that still emit water vapor (fumaroles) and sulfur (solfatara). Lawu have Dipterokarp forest hill, forest Dipterokarp Upper Montane forest, and forest Ericaceous. Lawu the inspiration of the name Argo Lawu trains, railroad executive who serves Solo Racing-Gambir.

Lawu has three peaks, peak Hargo Dalem, Hargo Dumiling and Hargo Dumilah. The latter is the highest peak.

On the slopes, there are a number of places are popular as tourist destinations, particularly in the Tawangmangu, Cemorosewu, and Sarangan. Slightly downward, on the west side there are two complex enshrinement of late Majapahit: Sukuh and Cetho Temple.

Lawu very popular for climbing activities. Every night 1 Sura lot of people make pilgrimages to climb to the top. Because of the popularity, at the top of the mountain can be found even food vendors.
Standard ascent can be started from two places (basecamp): Cemorokandang in Tawangmangu, Central Java and Cemorosewu, in Sarangan, East Java. Both separate entrance just 200 m.
Ascent of Cemorosewu through two springs: Spring (swimming) and Cemorosewu Panguripan located between Post 1 and Spring Drajat between Post 4 and Post 5.
Climbing through Cemorokandang will pass through 5 selter with relative paths already well.
Climbing through cemorosewu will pass through 5 post. Path through Cemorosewu more nge-track. However, if we pass this point we will reach the top faster than via the Cemorokandang. Climbing through Cemorosewu went rather well ordered. The road made of cobblestones that have been laid out.
The path of the post 3 towards post 4 form a ladder made of natural stone. Post new 4th renovated, so for now at pos4 no buildings for shelter. Usually we are not aware of having reached the post 4.
Near post 4 we can see the lake from  Sarangan. Line from post 4 to post 5 very comfortable, not like nge-track path to the post 4. In pos2 are Watu Watu gedhe which we called the iris (because as in the iris).
Near the entrance there is a building like Cemorosewu mosque is apparently makam.Untuk hike through Cemorosewu (for beginners) do not climb in the afternoon because the terrain is tough for beginners.
At the summit there is a memorial Dumilah Hargo. 
Mystery Mountain LawuLawu mystery in each of the three main peaks and a place mythologized as sacred places in Java. Price Dalem believed to be the King Bhrawijaya pamoksan Pamungkas, believed to be the spot price Dumiling pamoksan Ki Sabdopalon, and Price Dumilah is a place full of mystery which is often used as a venue to be a rate mind and meditation.
It is said that the mountain was the center of spiritual activities Lawu in Java, and is closely linked with the traditions and culture of Praja Mangkunegaran.
Any person wishing to go to the peak must understand the unwritten prohibition not to do something is both deeds and words. When prohibition was violated in the offender is believed to be unlucky fate.
Other places that are believed by the locals that mysterious: Inten Spring, Spring Drajat, Spring Panguripan, Jalatunda Well, Crater Candradimuka, Repat Overheated / Cakrasurya, and Pringgodani.Legend mountain LawuLawu.jpg
The story starts from the end of the kingdom of Majapahit (1400 AD) during the reign of Sinuwun Earth Nata Bhrawijaya Ingkang Jumeneng Kaping 5 (Pamungkas). Two of her famous daughter is Dara plot from mainland China and Dara Orange. Plots of Dara was born the son of Raden Fatah, of Orange was born the son of Prince Dara Katong.
Raden Fatah after adult different religions, Buddhist father. And with fading Majapahit, Raden Fatah founded the kingdom in Glagah Wangi (Demak).
Seeing such conditions, the liver masygullah Majesty. As a wise king, one night, she finally pleaded meditation guide the Almighty. In their meditation wangsit obtainment stating that it was time Majapahit fading light and revelation kedaton will move to the kingdom of Demak.
At night it was also accompanied by the King with only a faithful pemomongnya Sabdopalon quietly left the palace and crossed the service and eventually climbed to the summit of Lawu. Before arriving at the summit, he met two village heads that Dipa Menggala and Wangsa Menggala. As a loyal courtiers two men did not have the heart to let his master away. They went together to the top of Price Dalem.
At that time the King utter, "O faithful abdiku was time for me to resign, I must muksa and leave this crowded world. Dipa Menggala, because I raised you to be the master of your loyalty Lawu mountain and oversees all supernatural beings with the area to the west up to the mountain region Merapi / Merbabu mountain, to the east by Mount Wilis, south to the southern coast, and to the north up to the north coast with his Sunan Lawu., and the House of Menggala, I picked you as patihnya, with a starling Kyai.
Unable to withstand the turmoil in his heart, Sabdopalon even ventured to say to the King: If so the servant was also saying goodbye to part with the King, I will rise to the price Dumiling and leave the King here.
Short stories Majesty UB was muksa in price Dalem, and Sabdopalon moksa in price Dumiling. Sunan tinggalah Lawu The Lord of the mountain and the starling Kyai for supernatural power and perfection of knowledge then becomes a magical creature is still faithfully carry out as mandated by the King of UB.Sightseeing
Sightseeing around the mountain Lawu include:
1.         Sarangan
2.         Crater lake Yellow
3.         The crater lake Selayur bubble.
4.         Ecotourism around Lawu
5.         Around the Village Ngancar:
6.         Shoulders Waterfall Kiwo
7.         Watu Ondo Waterfall
8.         Waterfall Jarakan
9.         Watu Ongko
10.     Gold Sand
11.     Tawangmangu
12.     Waterfall Srambang
13.     Cemorosewu
14.     Sukuh
15.     Temple Cetho
16.     Praja Mangkunagaran relatives funeral complex:
a.    Astana Girilayu
b.    Astana Mangadeg
c.     Astana Giribangun

Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

Ngliyep Beach

Ngliyep beach on the edge of the ocean Indonesia, precisely in the village Kedungsalam Donomulyo district, 62 km from the southern city of Malang.

Ngliyep beach is a beach with natural beauty that is still natural with a mix of steep cliffs and protected areas around the coast. Unspoiled white sand and the waves seemed to play on the sidelines of the cliff makes the beach Ngliyep worth visiting.

The condition is relatively deserted beaches make this beach is a virgin and comfortable to play was interrupted by waves and white sand.

Every year, in the month of Java, precisely in Maulud, Ngliyep coast will be more crowded than usual because the event was held Labuhan ritual ceremony called in the title on 15 Maulud. Labuhan ceremony is a form of sacrifice, where the head of farm animals such as goats or cows will be sacrificed as offerings into the sea.

Senin, 03 Desember 2012

Alas Purwo National Park

Alas Purwo National Park (TN Alas Purwo) is a national park located in the District and Sub Tegaldlimo Purwoharjo, Banyuwangi regency, East Java, Indonesia. Geographically located on the east end of the south coast of Java Island region between 8 ° 26'45 "-8 ° 47'00" latitude and 114 ° 20'16 "-114 ° 36'00" E.
Most of the livelihoods of the people around the area are farming, farm laborers and fishermen. Fishing communities mostly live in the Muncar, which is one of the largest fishing port in Java, and in the Grajagan. The majority of people around the region to Islam, but many Hindus, especially in the Village and Village Kedungasri Kalipait. In general, people around TN Alas Purwo classified as Traditional Javanese
Meditate, meditation, sayan (mutual assistance when setting up home), bayenan and salvation - salvation other related searches are performed inner tranquility. On the day - such as one suro days, full moon, the moon is dead, people come to the TN Alas Purwountuk meditated. This place is very famous for its keangkerannya. Previously, many people were lost and robbed and killed by robbers who dwelt Alas purwo. There are also many places there are subtle creatures. So till now this place is famous as the place of his awesomeness terangker in Java.

Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

Singosari temple

Singhasari Temple or Temple or Temple Singosari Singasari is a Hindu temple - Buddha relics Singhasari historic kingdom located in the village of Candirenggo, Singosari, Malang regency, East Java, Indonesia.
Ways of making this Singhasari temple with stone andhesit stacking system to a certain height then referred to the carving out of the new top down to the bottom. (It's not like building a house as it is today). The temple is located in the Village Candirenggo, Singosari, Malang regency, (about 10km from the city of Malang) is located in the valley between the Tengger Mountains and Mount Arjuna at an altitude of 512 m above sea level.
Enshrinement complex occupying an area of ​​200 m × 400 m and consists of several temples. On the northwest side of the complex, there is a giant statue of a large (almost 4m high, called Dwarapala) and mace position facing downwards, it indicates despite the giant guard but still there is a sense of compassion for all sentient beings and expression of welcome to all. And the position of the statue is only in Singhasari, not in place or the other kingdoms. And nearby there Dwarapala statue square. This raises the suspicion that the temple complex located in the center of the kingdom. The layout of the temple Singhasari near the two statues Dwarapala be interesting when it comes to teaching Shiva said that Lord Shiva resides in Kailasa peak in the form of the phallus, eastern boundary there is a gate with a Ganesha (or Ganapati) as the guard, the west gate guarded by Kala and Amungkala, South gate guarded by sage Agastya, North gate guarded by Batari Gori (or Gauri). Because of the location of the temple Singhasari very close to the two statues are located on the road leading to Mount Arjuna, this temple is not expected to use regardless of the presence of Arjuna and mountain ascetics who sits at the top of the mountain at the time.
The main temple building is made of andesite stone, facing west, standing on a square base measuring 14 m × 14 m and 15 m high temple. The temple is rich in ornamental carvings, statues and reliefs. In the main room there is a linga and yoni. There are also other chambers: the north (first statue of Durga is gone), east of the first statue of Ganesha, and the south side which contains a statue of Shiva-teacher (Rishi Agastya). In this temple complex also stands the statue of Prajnaparamita, the goddess of wisdom, who is now stationed at the National Museum of Indonesia, Jakarta. Other statues are at the Institute of Tropical Empire, Leiden, the Netherlands, except for the statue of Agastya.

Mount Kawi

Gunung Kawi adalah sebuah gunung berapi di Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia, dekat dengan Gunung Butak. Tidak ada catatan sejarah mengenai letusan gunung berapi ini.
Gunung Kawi, terletak di sebelah barat kota Malang merupakan obyek wisata yang perlu untuk dikunjungi bila kita berada di Jawa Timur karena keunikannya, obyek wisata ini lebih tepat dijuluki sebagai "kota di pegunungan". Di sini kita tidak akan menemukan suasana gunung yang sepi, tapi justru kita akan disuguhi sebuah pemandangan mirip di negeri tiongkok zaman dulu.
Di sepanjang jalan kita akan menemui bangunan bangunan dengan arsitektur khas Tiongkok, dimana terdapat sebuah kuil/klenteng tempat untuk bersembahyang atau melakukan ritual khas Kong Hu Cu. Biasanya orang-orang Tionghoa mengunjungi tempat ini pada hari-hari tertentu untuk melakukan ritual keagamaan seperti memohon keselamatan , giam si , ci suak dsb namun tak jarang pula yang hanya sekedar berpelesir untuk melepas lelah. Di sepanjang jalan juga banyak terdapat penginapan baik itu hotel, losmen, atau bahkan rumah penduduk dapat juga disewa untuk dijadikan tempat menginap.
Ada banyak hal unik yang berhubungan dengan kepercayaan yang dapat kita temukan di gunung Kawi, Salah satu diantaranya adalah sebuah pohon yang konon dipercaya bila kita kejatuhan buahnya, maka kita akan mendapat rejeki. Pada malam-malam tertentu akan banyak sekali orang yang duduk di bawah pohon ini. Selain pohon, terdapat juga makam Mbah Djoego, seorang pertapa pembantu Pangeran Diponegoro, yang juga sangat dijaga oleh penduduk setempat.
Trust is the business heart of each human being. That is one phrase which is reflected from this location. As a magnet, two ancestral graves (Grandmother Djoego and Faith Soedjono RM), which became the main center of this site over the years have attracted hundreds and perhaps thousands of people made ​​up of different faiths and beliefs to take the place of prayer. On average they come to this place to pray for smooth business, fate or mate. This location is always open for 24 hours non-stop and never deserted though the night was late. Much like a mini metropolis in a remote mountain slopes, this location became a destination for seekers of spiritual blessings throughout the country. At the time of my visit there, I found many plates of vehicles parked outside the city dipelataran parked about 500 meters away from the location.
Average of them come from Jakarta, Surabaya, Malang, Denpasar, Bandung and even did I find the vehicle license plate from the Riau Islands. Around the site, exactly along the path that led to the building berpaving tomb, there are many shops, hotels, souvenir shops, kiosks tellers, peddlers meatballs and roasted corn lined up outside the entrance gate to the entrance gate of the court pesarean. Next in the courtyard area 1, near the pesarean, there is a storage building heritage, tionghoa a temple, a mosque and a row of roses and incense traders. There is a spacious courtyard where visitors relax, just a mat in front of a building Ciam Sie chinese astrologer. There is also a building where Javanese puppet show.