Senin, 03 Desember 2012

Alas Purwo National Park

Alas Purwo National Park (TN Alas Purwo) is a national park located in the District and Sub Tegaldlimo Purwoharjo, Banyuwangi regency, East Java, Indonesia. Geographically located on the east end of the south coast of Java Island region between 8 ° 26'45 "-8 ° 47'00" latitude and 114 ° 20'16 "-114 ° 36'00" E.
Most of the livelihoods of the people around the area are farming, farm laborers and fishermen. Fishing communities mostly live in the Muncar, which is one of the largest fishing port in Java, and in the Grajagan. The majority of people around the region to Islam, but many Hindus, especially in the Village and Village Kedungasri Kalipait. In general, people around TN Alas Purwo classified as Traditional Javanese
Meditate, meditation, sayan (mutual assistance when setting up home), bayenan and salvation - salvation other related searches are performed inner tranquility. On the day - such as one suro days, full moon, the moon is dead, people come to the TN Alas Purwountuk meditated. This place is very famous for its keangkerannya. Previously, many people were lost and robbed and killed by robbers who dwelt Alas purwo. There are also many places there are subtle creatures. So till now this place is famous as the place of his awesomeness terangker in Java.

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