Jumat, 23 November 2012

Dieng Plateau

 Dieng is a plateau region in Central Java, who entered the district of Banjarnegara and Wonosobo. It is located to the west of the complex and the Mount Sindoro Sumbing.
Dieng is an active volcanic region is said to be a giant volcanic crater with a few craters. The average altitude is about 2,000 m above sea level. Temperature ranges from 15-20 ° C during the day and 10 ° C at night. In the dry season (July and August), temperatures can reach 0 ° C in the morning and bring frost by locals called bun upas ("dew poison") for causing damage to agricultural crops.
Administratively, Dieng Dieng is Kulon Village area, Batur subdistrict, district Banjarnegara and Dieng ("Dieng Wetan"), District Kejajar, Wonosobo district. This area is one of the most remote regions in Central Java.
Dieng name comes from the combination of two words Kawi language: "in", which means "place" or "mountain" and "Hyang" which means (God). Thus, Dieng means mountainous region where the gods and goddesses residing. Another theory states, Dieng name comes from Sundanese language ("in hyang") as estimated in the pre-Medang (around the 7th century AD) the area under the influence of the Kingdom Galuh politics.Dieng plateau (DTD) is plain with volcanic activity beneath the surface, like Yellowstone or the Tengger Highlands. Indeed it is a caldera mountains surrounding the edges. There are many craters as the release of gases, water vapor and various other volcanic material. This situation is very dangerous for the people who inhabit the region, as evidenced by the presence of gas eruption crater Sinila 1979. Not only poisonous gas, but it can also be possible earthquakes, mud eruptions, landslides and floods.
In addition to the crater, there are volcanic lakes that contain water mixed with sulfur that has distinctive yellow-green color.

In biology, volcanic activity at Dieng interesting as found in hot waters near the crater of some species of thermophilic bacteria ("like it hot") which can be used to uncover the early life on Earth.Dieng is an active crater in the crater of volcanic activity beneath the plateau. Monitoring activities conducted by PVMBG through Observation Post Dieng in District Karangtengah. Here are the active craters are monitored:

Sikendang, potentially toxic gases
Sinila, potentially toxic gases
Weigh, potentially toxic gases
Weigh is a crater located near Sinila and moderate activity. Although less active, the crater is a highly concentrated source of CO2 gas which took hundreds of victims in 1979. The crater was last recorded increased activity in May 2011 with a belch of white smoke as high as 20 feet, removing CO2 concentrations exceed the safe threshold (1,000 ppm, the normal concentration in the air close to 400 ppm) and raises volcanic earthquakes. On May 31, 2011 morning, the crater was re-releasing CO2 gas up to 1% v / v (100,000 ppm) accompanied by tremors. As a result, all activities are prohibited within a radius of 1 km and Simbar Hamlet and Hamlet Attack evacuated.
The tops

Prahu mountain (2565 m)
Pakuwaja mountain (2395 m)
Sikunir mountain (2263 m), tourist attractions, close Sembungan
Volcanic lake

Colour Lake, a tourist attraction with a nearby persemadian
Tadpole pond, near the tourist village Sembungan
Telaga Merdada
Telaga Pengilon
Telaga dringo
Nila Telaga
Some of the cultural and natural heritage has been used as a tourist attraction and is managed jointly by the two districts, namely Banjarnegara and Wonosobo. Here are some of the attractions in Dieng.

Telaga: Colour Lake, a lake that often elicits shades of red, green, blue, white, and mauve, Telaga Pengilon, just adjacent to the lake colors, unique color of the water in the lake is not clear like sulfur mixed. Another uniqueness is the limit Telaga Telaga Pengilon color with just the grass that forms such a small swamp. Merdada lake, is the largest in the existing teelaga Dieng Plateau. The water never receded used as irrigation for farms. Even the lake is also used by anglers for a hobby or a traveler as well just drive around in small boats are rented out by locals.
Crater: Sikidang, Sileri, Sinila (explode and release toxic gases in 1979 with 149 victims of the soul), Crater Candradimuka.

Complex of Hindu temples built in the 7th century, among others: Ghatotkacha Temple, Temple Bhima, Arjuna temple, temple Semar, Temple Sembadra, Heroine Temple, Temple Setyaki, Gangsiran Ashwatthama, and Temple Dwarawati.
Gua: Gua Semar, Jaran Cave, Cave wells. Located between Colour Lake and Ponds Pengilon, often used as a place of spiritual though.
Jalatunda wells.
Dieng Volcanic Theater, a theater to see a movie about the volcano in Dieng.
Kailasa Dieng Museum, storing artifacts and provide information about the nature (geology, flora and fauna), the Dieng (daily, agriculture, religion, arts) and the archaeological legacy of Dieng. It has a theater to see a movie (currently about archeology Dieng), an open platform on the roof of the museum, as well as restaurants.
Serayu river springs, often referred to with Tuk Bima Lukar (Tuk = spring).
Dieng is the producer of highland vegetables to Central Java. Potatoes are the main commodity. In addition, carrots, cabbage, onions and a variety of onion produced from this region. In addition to vegetables, Dieng is also a production centers mountain papaya (carica) and fungi.
However, due to rapid agricultural activities in the forest area peaks running out of land converted to vegetable crops.

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