Sabtu, 17 November 2012

History of ancient Javanese

Prior to human habitation, the island of Java has been inhabited by a group of gods and other supernatural beings. One of the sons Sang Hyang Girinata Universe, namely Bathara Vishnu, down to and marries arcapada Pratiwi, goddess of the earth ....

An ancient geological theory said, the process of land formation that occurs in southern Asia is due to the movement of the northern Indian subcontinent, which collided with a slab north. The movement of tectonic plates, which later gave birth to the Himalayas.
That said, the process occurs in 20-36 million years ago. Children in the southern continent partially submerged sea water, so that appears on the surface is a group-a group of islands that are volcanic chain. The string of islands in Southeast Asia, many of Nuswantoro (Archipelago), which in ancient times called Sweta Dwipa. From the mainland is one of them is a group called Jawata subcontinent, one piece parts is Jawa.Jawata island Javanese means teacher. Wong said Wahong, and Tiyang of said Ti Hyang, which means descendant or derived from a deity. It is said that because that island until now still known as the island of Gods, because it is also a piece of the continent Sweta Dwipa or Jawata.
Given that once the Indian subcontinent and Sweta Dwipa or Jawata that one area, it is no wonder that there are almost the same culture, or easy to accept each other influence. Also perkembagan religion in the region, particularly Hinduism and Buddhism are almost identical.
Al stories, his official visit as a royal envoy, professor of Goods or royal name Haryo Lembusuro, a leading pandhito land of Java, visit Cashew Dwipa (India).
Arriving set foot in the country is Hindustan, by the local Brahmins, the professor asked for the Goods together worship embodiment Haricandana (Vishnu). However, with the subtlety of human behavior of Java, the professor stated that as pandhito Goods Java, he can not worship statues, but still urged the Indian Brahmins, a Brahmin dynasty that reason Haricandana worshiped as Vishnu is believed to be the Creator Tribuwana.
With half the force, the professor asked Goods seat, but when the foot hits the ground Goods professor, suddenly the earth shake (no mention of how the power of rocking the quake SKAL). What is clear, the wobble was so great, the statue until cracked.
Indeed, according to the procedure of Java, the worship of the Lord of Life is not a statue, but through a true sense, so the relationship with Gusti servant become mismatched. That Jumbuhing Dumateng Gusti servant.
The Javanese do worship praises Gustinya immediate response from batinya, then it is called the flow of Mysticism in its development or further development known as Javanese, as sourced from Java.
For the Javanese story time have inhabited the island of Java man, was inhabited by a group of gods and other supernatural beings. And one of the sons of Sang Hyang Girinata Universe, namely Vishnu Bathara arcapada down to mate with Pratiwi, goddess of the earth.
In the understanding of Javanese, it is to be treated with the translation, it means that Vishnu urip / life, keepers of life. So he explained the beginnings of human life on earth, the Lord of the Universe permission. Gods spirit symbol, a symbol of the human body. That man's life, his body can be damaged, but alive sukmanya lasting.
Java, like the virgin beauty of the earth a very beautiful maiden, so the kingdom of Rum (Ngerum) led King Galbah, through reports Ngali Samsujen pastor, was so fascinated by it. So diutuslah first ambassador named Hadipati Alip.
Hadipati Alip left with 10,000 residents Ngerum towards Nuswa Java. They died within a short time of epidemic. There was nobody left. Then dikirimlah second expedition under the leadership Hadipati Ehe. Unfortunately, they also suffered the same fate, Tupes filter without trail.
Still sent the next group, as Hadipati Jimawal, Je, Dal, Be, Wawu, and Jimakir. It all suffered the same fate, tumpes moringa.
Seeing all that, King Galbah great surprise and shock. As a result, heart pain relapse. He then fell ill and died in the very near future.
Pastor Ngali Samsujen, feeling guilty for his advice malapateka cause this to happen. Finally he died in guilt. Stay Mahapati Ngerum, because of his faithful, he wanted to continue the noble mission aspired king. He eventually remembers that his friend Jake Sangkala magic bersanama alias Aji Saka, who lived in the land Maldewa or Sweta Dwipa.
Endless migrants from Java Ngerum to land, according to Jake Sangkala is because their hearts are less clear. They did not ask permission to guard Nuswa Java. In fact, since ancient times, this land was inhabited. Who inhabit the land of Java is a man who is pure, subtle or intangible entity ajiman (aji meaning queen, meaning powerful man or wan).
In addition to the good inhabitants, also housed occupants brekasakan, Kala Bathara men. So no one dared to stay in the island of Java, before getting a license or Vishnu or Manikmaya Semar.
Finally, Mahapati Ngerum Aji Saka ushered see Dewi Sri Vishnu and his wife Flower. When met, spoken that wadyabala Ngerum dead people can not live anymore, and has become Peri Prahyangan, men Batara Kala. But to-8 Hadipati who died in service were rescued by Vishnu and entrusted with the task of maintaining eye 8th angina. But they still inhabit the soft nature.
Courtesy of Vishnu, and Aji Saka Mahapati Negrum go to Java to appear in Mount Tidar Semar. Tidar of word Tida; heart in the chest, that is life. Be saved, by Vishnu, Mahapati Ngerum and Aji Saka was given in the form of tattoo Kalacakra kandel properties, to avoid disease outbreaks and attacks men Batara Kala.
The story above is only an idea, that there is an implied meaning. Vishnu and Aji Saka was duumvirate, like the sun and its rays, and the sweetness of honey, inseparable. Loro-ning loro atunggal.
Thus, Vishnu and Aji Saka palace was in Medang Kamulan, which means dimula-dawn of life. If observed, the point is true ngelmu kawruh about human life in the world, since I was born in the unseen to the world, to live good, so return later become invisible again, the trip was perfect.
Long story short, the trip to Java led by Aji Saka with a greater number of people, 80 thousand or 8 laksa, scattered in various parts of the island. Since then, life in the land of Java called Dwipa Kabuyutan society has been around since 10,000 BC, but it was getting a little crowded since 3,000 BC.
After the arrival of Hindu influence, appeared the first kingdom in Java, which are located in Mount Gede, Peacock. King King Dewowarman or Dewo Eso, who holds Sang Hyang King Wismudewo. This king throne by marrying Princess strengthen Java's most famous Begawan, namely Begawan Lembu Suro or Kesowosidi in Padepokan Garbo Pitu (ruler 7 layers of the supernatural) located in Dieng or Adi Hyang (a perfect life), also called Earth Samboro (land tall). Daughter named Padmowati or Earth Goddess.
Of mixed marriages, the Pakukuhan born Raden Joko, who would later replace him on the royal throne or palace Purwosarito Dwipa Java, and the title of the King of Sri Maha Stage. Then the court moved its location to Medang Kamulan.
He was succeeded by his son King Palindriyo. From his marriage to the daughter of Patih Purnawarman, Goddess Sinto, born Raden Radite are after the throne and the title King Watuguung. He ruled for 28 years. His government has a strong influence in West Java. Her brother, King Purnawarman making Inscription Monument, east of the Cape of anchoring in the channel creation time, Gomati, Inscription Slate in Ciampea, Bogor.
To dominate East Java, married the daughter of King Watugunung Kondang Begawan, the Goddess and Goddess Soma Tumpak. He also married the Queen of State Taruma named Dewi Sitowoko.
In the struggle for the throne to reign occurred Yuwati Dewi Sri, the other brother's mother (Goddess Landep). Dewi Sri Yuwati assisted another sister mother, Joko Sadono (son of Goddess Soma). King finally defeated Watugunung and Joko Sadono replace his throne with the title of King Wisnupati, empress Dewi Sri. Sister Dewi Sri was appointed as king Taruma, styled King Brahma King.

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