Kamis, 22 November 2012

Forest Ketangga

Alas Ketonggo, is a forest with an area of ​​4846 square meters, which is located 12 km south of the district Ngawi. East Java. According to the Java community, Alas Ketonggo is one of the two base-armature / "wingit" in Java.

In the majority of the overgrown forest teak has ten places pertapan. Among Palenggahan-great-Srigati, Hermitage-Goddess-Tunjung-Sekar, Spring-Degrees, Spring-Mintowiji, Goa Sidodadi Good, Pundhen Watu Dakon, Pundhen Monument Mas, Bannerman Jambe, Siti Punden Hinggil, Spring Panguripan, Kori pinchers, and Guest Houses Sukarno.
The average of the room or the Pesanggrahan is generating strong fragrant smell of incense. Because the space is almost always there are still burning incense former ex-meditated.
From other than those in the forest hermitage which some people do not lose "Wingit" Alas Purwo with this, also mememiliki a river that is often used as a man to solitude and meditation and can be called "Combat Sedalem time".
"There are people who are also often meditated on the river if the night. Especially at night Friday and Night suro, certainly a lot of meditating on the river, lit incense in front of the meditation place," said one coffee shop owner in the forest, Ginem champion.
In the stalls are not aliri by electricity and has only light from the fire that comes from the axis of the bottle which contained didalamanya kerosene or locals call it by the name "ublic" This, in addition to providing food and drink stalls will also menyedian incense or some people call it with incense and incense.
Mbah Ginem said, on the eve of the night in the forest area which are not penetrated by HP signal is common phenomena that often can not be digested by common sense.
"Some sound like there are hundreds of people talking but after his being seen nothing. Addition, there are also some people who caught a glimpse of the creature faint. Addition, there are often colorful flashes of light that falls in the forest" he said.
People who come to Alas Ketonggo itself has a wide range of purposes. Among ask pesugihan, ngalap blessing, asking that his career smoothly until the person who is considered to have little ability to pull weapons or suspected heirlooms scattered in many places, there is also a request till judoh.
When it is initially entered into the river, his body was feeling pretty freezing cold. But after a few moments after he could concentrate river water is actually warm.
Meanwhile, according to the caretaker in the forest with a river valley that looks more like this,  a lot of people who come to "ngalap blessing" or simply meditate for a variety of reasons.
Some national figures who once meditated in the forest. Among Bung Karno, Suyadi, as well as one of a politician who is currently eksi and take shelter in one of the political parties tree logo.
"There used to be a member of a political party of Jarkarta who often come here to meditate on Pesanggraha Sukarno and Palenggahan Srigati. But when he had to get where he is rarely here anymore,"

Besides Pesangragan Sukarno used by Indonesia's first president to meditate there Srigati Palenggahan also believed to be the resting place of King UB after losing the war of Raden Patah, in 1293.
"This place became known as UB petilasan King of Majapahit Empire. Over time, petilasan a vacation home with a small house built in 1975. Therefore, is believed to be a place of pilgrimage where people who want to be a ruler,"
Many mystical stories that happened in Alas Ketonggo and is associated with the national political situation. Like when a few plants are quite old teak suddenly dried up and dead. It was either intentional or not coincide with the fall of Suharto from office of the President of Indonesia on May 21, 1998.

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