Kamis, 29 November 2012

Trowulan, The Lost Kingdom

Trowulan is a district in Mojokerto regency, East Java, Indonesia. Sub is located in the western part Mojokerto, bordering the Jombang. Trowulan located on the national road linking Surabaya-Solo.

In this district there are dozens of sites covering an area of ​​nearly 100 square kilometers in the form of the building, finding statues, pottery, and burial relics of the Majapahit Kingdom. Allegedly, the royal center in the region, written by mpu Kakawin Nagarakretagama Prapanca in the book and in the Chinese sources from the 15th century. Trowulan demolished in 1478 when defeated Girindrawardhana Kertabumi, since Majapahit capital moved to Daha.

Majapahit kingdom known tech whiz in water governance. Unfortunately the canals that surround and intersect perpendicularly Majapahit city was now no longer visible. However, a marker of the technology of the water in the ancient city that was swimming Segaran, which means artificial sea. Segaran broad roughly six football fields, and may be the largest man-made pond in the world.
Other sites that are related to the technology of the water located on the southeast side Trowulan. An ancient terracotta petirtaan better known as the Rat Temple residents. In 1914 residents petirtaan found accidentally when hunting pests like rodents so named for the rice pest destroyer. Not far from the gate stands petirtaan Bajang Queen, brick building designed Paduraksa or roofed gate.
Sentonorejo village, Trowulan, an area that was once surrounded by an ancient canal, now the attention of archaeologists. Findings hexagon floor, building structures on the site called Kedaton, square base with a row of eight, and the findings have shown that the settlement was allegedly part of the palace of Majapahit.

Sentonorejo south, there Troloyo Tomb site. There are several Islamic tombs of the 14th century and 15. Interment site shows that religious harmony has been built in the City of Majapahit. Like other sites in Indonesia, many legends associated with the presence of this Islamic shrine.Back to the Segaran. If you melapar while visiting Trowulan, some stalls across the giant pond with a special menu of fried fish with chilli nan Wader mengelora, dazed lele, and finished Rawon delight taste buds.When looking at the remains of settlements and other buildings, when this Trowulan from occupied? An inscription at length grave site, so people Trowulan menjulukinya, quotes bodhi tree planting in 1281. This shows that at the time of the alleged Trowulan Tumapel already inhabited. In fact, pancakes inscriptions found in Bejijong enshrinement complex area shows that in the 10th century this area was occupied Ancient Mataram dynasty descendants. In Bejijong now there are still remains of two temples, temple: Temple Brahu and Gentong.Makam Cempa located not far from the pool Segaran citizens believed to be one of the Majapahit royal concubine origin Campa, so legendary, somehow history indeed. Certainly, the Islamic shrine of the 15th century is crowded with visitors on certain days of the removal of Java.If you moved from the center line Segaran an eastward, you will find a temple ruins of the feudal Jinggo with massif-andesite rock massif. An eagle statue from the temple that has been transferred to the Museum Trowulan.Afdol no trip to the ancient city of the former without the on Trowulan Museum which is most comprehensive museum with collections of Majapahit remains: sculpture, relief, terracotta figurines, to ancient barrels. On a stretch of the museum courtyard there building structures of the ancient settlement-repeat ditampak with wisdom: and the brick gutter gravel floor are arranged so that the water penetrates.

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